Saturday, April 20, 2013

{Run!!! ... for FUN???}

It's been a while since I've posted...
if you missed me...I'm back! 

For those of you intrigued by the title of this post, I thought it would be exciting to talk about something that's been a pretty big part of my life (that I've been totally slacking on!) 
and...That would be running...

Let's go back to my high school days for a second...
The infamous volleyball timed mile is a memory that will forever be branded on my brain. Having to run the timed mile in under 6:50 in order to earn the honor of wearing the Pioneer jersey (my fav #11) was not an easy feat! The last time I crossed that finish line, I vowed I'd never run again unless I was forced... 

{This was one of the only internet archives I could find for Providence volleyball 2002 (the best team in PHS vball history!?)...we really are getting that old... 
Oh Happy Day...
I guess those miles were worth it for those glory Days!!}
Then I moved on to college volleyball, where running returned. Unfortunately, the mile was not used in my college career...instead...lots and lots and lots and lots of sprints...mostly punishment sprints....were in our daily regimen. At that time, I couldn't decide what I'd rather do, run that horrible timed mile or run sprints for days!

In order to stay in shape during the off season (and clear my head of plenty of things!) I began running 2 miles a day (not under 6:50 a piece I might add). This physically was a stellar time for me. I can remember a man asking me at the gym if I was training for a marathon. I told him, "No way! I would NEVER run a marathon!" (or so I thought! NEVER SAY NEVER) 

Up to that point in my life, I only ran for volleyball purposes and thought I'd like to live a long, happy, prosperous life without ever running again... turns out, I was wrong!!!

When I "grew up" and started working and living in the real world, I realized running was an important fitness tool for me! In turn, I started running like crazy. 
I guess my first inspiration to run was by my sisters because they were doing it too. 
They inspired me to do races!
 In 2008...I decided to run my first mini marathon (13.1 miles) I trained, but not as hard as I possibly could have and... I hated it! 
But I persevered....

The next time I ran a race, I decided that I would train as hard as possible! Plus, I had a little more inspiration... in 2009...if this guy below could swim, bike, AND run in a big thing called the Iron Man...I could at least run a mini marathon in a decent time. 
{My friend Jimmie...SWIM, BIKE, RUN...JUST FOR FUN!!!}

The following Spring of 2010, my sister and I trained together (LONG DISTANCE!) and ran in the Disney Princesses Run in Disney World! A women's only race where you can dress up like a princess and run through Cinderella's Castle (my favorite animated movie I might add!) during your 13.1 miles... My sister, Darcy and I rocked it (I thank her for forcing me to drink more water in the days before than I have ever drank in my life), and it was by far my most fun race ever!!!

{My kindergarten classroom bear, Stitches, went on the trip with us, and it was 3:30am on race day 
when I posed for that pic}

Every two years, I get the itch to train and run in 2012...I made a BIG GIRL decision and trained for the Derby Marathon! Some of my best friends were training for the Derby Mini, too. I trained hard, but trained alone and I don't suggest it is not highly motivating! Fortunately I did complete the MARATHON (26.2 miles...with a sticker on the good ole' Jetta to prove it!) 
I get by with a little help from my friends!
 Boogie, Meag, Shawn, and Leah C helped me along the way! 

Now I have taken a little running hiatus. I still run from time to time but not enough! 
I guess I'll be running something in LA in 2014ish! 
{Any takers???}
The main reason for this post was to send a 
SHOUT OUT to all my friends 
who are the Derby mini marathon...
Boogie (No big deal, just running on your 28th bday!!!)
Leah C
Ry Dogg
Mary Beth
I'm sure there are some more people I have left out?! I wish I could be on the sidelines to support you or run with you like you have run with me, but I will be thinking of you this week as Saturday approaches!!!

Get out there and RUN FOR FUN!!! 

Friday, April 5, 2013


Happy Weekend Everyone!!! 

I know that I am a little late getting my Fabulous Friday Find out, but it is still Friday in California :). I have been thinking about what I would write about this week, and wanted to try some things out before I posted about the validity of this FABULOUS find!

I can honestly say that there are few things that make me feel more girly than getting a manicure. I mean like, I want to bust out singing, "Man, I feel like a woman!" (THANK YOU, SHANIA TWAIN!) I love, love, love having my nails done and my cuticles can never stay nice enough! But truthfully, it gets expensive! and...if I could spend more money on clothes and shoes and, well lets face it, bills, I want to find a way I can maybe get a manicure once every month and still keep my nails looking good during the three weeks in between!

After a visit on Pinterest, I discovered an item that was repinned by my friend Abby. It was the "As close to at home gel manicure " Of course I repinned it and went straight to Target to get supplies to try it out. First and foremost, I love the gel manicure because it is almost impossible to mess up your nails one minute after they are finished. It is also almost impossible for me to leave the nail salon without a messed up nail or two (and a sad face)! Unfortunately, I can not use the gels on a regular basis because they break my nails down tremendously. So the solution? Well, I tried Abby's *repin, and it wasn't quite the perfect recipe. I followed the instructions and it left my nails soggy with imprints (which is the worst!) I was bummed, but decided maybe if I tweaked it a little I might find something that worked. Well, I found nothing other than PERFECTION! {That is until today,  when I chipped one on a Lego :( #nannyproblems!} The rest, however, are still amazingly, perfectly intact!!! And what is even better is that I do not have to deal with the pain of getting the gel taken off at the nail salon. This stuff comes right off with regular nailpolish remover!

I know you are asking, alright already, what is the recipe for nail perfection? Here is my recommendation... 


{Step 1: Base Coat}
{Apply 1 layer of Sally Hansen, Hard as Wraps ($8) 
to your clean nails, 
this should dry in about 60 seconds}

{Step 2: Add your color- 2 coats, 
allow about 5 minutes to dry per coat!}
{I can not find a brand that I like more than...
 essie ($8-9)! it ROCKS!
I actually have a mild obsession with it and have way too many colors!}

{Step 3: Seche Vite ($7 found at beauty supply stores)}
{One coat of this stuff and your nails are sealed with "gel like glow!" 
It only takes 2-3 minutes at the most to dry!}

{Step 4: Sally Hansen No Chip Top Coat ($5)}
{this is one extra coat to add extra protective coverage to your nails}

This is a recipe for success, if you give yourself about 30 minutes or so to paint your nails. If you use the products on a regular basis, it's definitely affordable and easy to upkeep!!! :) Then, you can save the money you would spend on your manicures on more bottles of Essie polish (or wine!) like me! That's all for this week's Fabulous Friday Find!!! I probably won't have one next week because my BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED!!! but stay tuned for more!!!