Motivational Monday.
Have you ever wanted something so badly that it is the only thing that you can think about?
Like eat, drink, sleep that "thing?
Nothing could stop you from doing it.
There have only been a few things in my life like this...and this Motivational Monday post is about my love for volleyball!
I like to think of my life in book format. For a while I am in one chapter and then when change occurs, that chapter ends and I go on to the next, and so on. As I continue "to grow" my book keeps getting thicker and thicker. Something that flows over into each and every chapter of my book is volleyball.
When I was a little girl, I fell in love with it. Bouncing the ball during my sister's volleyball games, begging anyone and everyone to pepper with me, waiting for the day that I too, could play! When this chapter ended, I played on...loving and learning the game. During this time, I started getting better and better and more competitive. Hour upon hour, practices, games, club ball tournament after club ball tournament. If you've ever loved a sport like this, you understand the commitment.
Commitment to Excellence.
My volleyball filled life has taught me SO MUCH MORE than just the game of volleyball!
It has taught me discipline, leadership, passion, patience, endurance and many more things.
I had many bumps along the way of accomplishing the goals I wanted for volleyball. Often these bumps would lead me in different directions than I'd ever even planned or imagined.
Volleyball truly was my first love (& I love MANY things!)
Lots of people were around for the journey. Some picked me up, some brought me down. I made some lifelong friends and a few competitive enemies. I played in high school and then volleyball paid for my education in college. Then when I returned from college, I coached. That taught me a whole new understanding of the game. I think coaching made me a more knowledgeable player. I started to play in leagues and tournaments with some of my best friends. (That's about the best this "old lady" can do anymore!) In fact, joining a volleyball league was also my first baby step to making friends when I moved to California!
I have always made and continue to make the BEST MEMORIES playing volleyball!
The best and worst memory of all was 11.9.02
At the State Finals (OUR ULTIMATE GOAL!)...we lost in 5 games...
Game 5:
I agree with Megan's Flashback Friday Post that the final point will forever live in infamy in my mind.
I will never forget the look and sound of the crowd, the gut check that I felt before taking the court and knowing I would never put my pioneer jersey again. #11
Why am I bring this up you wonder?
As 11.9.13 approaches, the Pioneer Volleyball team heads back to the State Finals.
I just feel it in my bones...THEY WILL BE STATE CHAMPIONS!
This evokes so much emotion and passion in all of us who love this volleyball program. It has been referred to as a "cult" and a dynasty (which it definitely is) but I prefer the words family! Every player has been guided by remarkable coaches...first Dottie, then DeeDee and for the past 14 years, by one of my best friends...Terri!
This victory will be for everyone who has made the PHS program what it is today.
And these girls are the best team that have ever stepped on to the Dottie GZ Court!
They deserve this!
THIS IS IT!!!! ;)
Thus my theme song back then and still today is what I leave to motivate you with on this Monday!

This is GREAT!!! I know they'll do it this year. I just KNOW IT!!!!!!