I have only posted once in the last year! I may officially be the worst.blogger.ever. I always have a lot to post, but never enough time to do it!!
Since it's Valentine's Day (Week) and my favorite holiday! (Duh... Hearts everywhere. Everyone spreading love! How could it not be?!) I figured it would be the perfect time to share some of the LOVE in my life...
I should have posted this a million months ago, but late is better than never!!!
To see some of our love story...My Californiaversary!!!
Our Engagement!!!
In May of 2014, Keev and I flew home to sweet home Indiana to be a part of my best friend Abbey's big wedding day!!! It was such a blast and big celebration with so many of our wonderful friends!!!
The next day was a Saturday, which just also happened to my nephew Jay's 16th birthday! Keev and I had an agenda for that day. First, we would go with my sisters and niece to the cemetery to put some flowers on my grandparent's graves (True Love). After that, we would head to Jay's varsity baseball game and cheer on the Pioneers! Then, we had to head home and get ready for a day of more friends and fun at Churchill Downs betting on the ponies (what a fun way to celebrate Abbey and Jon's wedding weekend!)
When the alarm went off, of course I pushed the snooze button 5 too many times and Keev was very much so pushing me to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I was jet lagged and had had one too many cocktails the night before, so I told him to hold his horses as I slowly drug myself out of bed! I threw on some clothes and threw my hair into a "day after being a bridesmaid" ponytail. (I do have to say I looked lovely if I don't say so myself... NOT!)
Mom suggested that we stop and my grandparents property (which was on the way to the cemetery) to grab some home grown peonies to put on their headstones. What a great idea!
When we got the my grandparents, I went with Amy around the corner of the garage to grab some flowers. It was then that Darcy slipped the ring in Keev's pocket! (So slick!) Then, Amy said she wanted to take some pictures of Thea on Gma and Gpa's porch because she didn't have any! We were so close to my family's special "love tree."
It was such a special moment in our lives! And so us!
(My sister got the best pics she could!)
I made a million phone calls in the 20 minutes that I had in between getting from the engagement to Jay's baseball game! Word travels fast in our little community and I wanted to make sure as many people as possible could hear it from me first! (Side note, my phone was dead so I had left it at home and my mom was bringing it to the game for me so I had to borrow my sister's phone to call everyone!)

(This is my fav pic of me telling the b-day boy after his game that we had just gotten engaged!
He was shocked and his reaction so genuine! It was the best!)
It was such a fun and perfect day!
I loved every minute of it and always will! :)

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