I am not very good at consistently blogging so I definitely need to work on that! I wanted to sum up my summer about two weeks ago, but since I hadn't finished my Europe blog, I didn't feel like I could. So yes, summer is over, but I am going to blog just a bit about it!
Sometimes in life, you must stop.and.smell.the.roses.
I would have to say that this summer has been one of those times in my life! Lately, I have been too busy to stop and think about how great of a summer I have had... but Mr. Keev has reminded me to count my blessing often!
Though I come from a tiny spot in Indiana on this map, I have literally been able to discover just how big the world is we live in!
After my amazing adventure to Europe, I got to come home to my summer “get-a-way” in Malibu! My nanny fam stays there in the summer months and luckily, we were right on the beach! I have never been able to say I spent the summer on the beach until now. We kicked off the 4th of July with an unreal celebration at the beach! It was full of friends, food, and fireworks!
Other days were full of sand..
And Spike (ing)...
My undefeated (until the championship) team & the newest addition to my nanny fam!
There were also LOTS of visitors...some were surprises and some were planned...
Keevi's parents came to visit!
Old neighbor BBQ (just didn't snap a pic with us and our old neighbors!)
Baby Cousin Zachary came to town...of course...we took him to the Observatory!
Meag, Scott, & Sweet Pea surprised me!!! :)
(I still don't know how they pulled this off!)
(Sweet Pea was the biggest surprise of all!)
Definitely went to see the Hollywood sign...
And to the observatory!!!
Meggie came to find her apartment for her new Cali adventure!!!
Uncle Rudy and Aunt Donna came up for a surprise lunch and trip to the observatory!!!
And finally... my breakfast guests! Oh boy do I love them!
Needless to say, I have had a phenomenal summer!!! I have a few more summer posts to get to...
BUT since fall is my favorite few months, bring on everything that makes fall so great...
like carving pumpkins, falling in love (that's when Keev and I did!), Halloween, sweatshirts & jeans, leaves, leggings, yes pumpkin spiced lattes (which I have yet to have!), Harvest Homecoming (which I can't attend) and vball tournaments
(please Cali...bring on the fall weather!)

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